- abhaya-mudra
- Религия: (In Buddhism, the raised right hand, in the "fear-not" gesture, which bestows protection) абхайя-мудра
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
abhaya mudra — The abhaya mudra (see mudras) is an important gesture in Indian iconography. In it, the right hand is raised and opened, straight up and facing forward (divinities with more than two hands raise one of their right hands). Abhaya literally… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Mudrâ — Mudrā Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mudra. Position codifiée et symbolique des mains du Bharata natyam. Le Mudrā du s … Wikipédia en Français
Mudra — This article is about the use of mudrā in Indic religion. For mudra as used in Indian classical music, see Mudra (music). Bharatnatyam dancer portraying Hindu goddess Lakshmi with her characteristic mudrās A mudrā (English: /muːˈdrɑː/ ( … Wikipedia
Mudrā — Pour l école de danse fondée par Maurice Béjart, voir École Mudra. Position codifiée et symbolique des mains du Bharata natyam. Le Mudrā (devanāg … Wikipédia en Français
Mudra — En el marco del budismo y el hinduismo, un mudrá es un gesto sagrado hecho generalmente con las manos. Bailarina india realizando el bharata natyam mudrā … Wikipedia Español
Ashta Lakshmi — Hdeity infobox| Caption = Gaja Lakshmi, one of the Ashta Lakshmi Name = Ashta Lakshmi Devanagari = sa. अष्टलक्ष्मी Sanskrit Transliteration = IAST|aṣṭa lakṣmī Pali Transliteration = Tamil script = Affiliation = forms of Lakshmi, Devi Goddess of … Wikipedia
Iconography of Gautama Buddha in Laos and Thailand — Gautama Buddha, the spiritual teacher from southern Asia (circa 563 483 BCE) known as The Buddha, who is the central figure in Buddhism, is represented in the arts of Thailand and Laos according to an iconography with specific rules. In other… … Wikipedia
Ardhanarishvara — Ardhanari redirects here. For the Ardhanari form of the god Vishnu, see Vaikuntha Kamalaja. Ardhanarishvara … Wikipedia
Buddha-Statue (Thailand) — Schreitender Buddha, Sukhothai Stil Eine Buddha Statue ist das plastische, meist idealisierte Abbild des Buddha. Eine Buddha Statue wurde nicht als Kunstwerk geschaffen, zur Dekoration oder nur, um das Auge zu erfreuen. Die Absicht war vielmehr,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dakshinamurthy — This article is about a deity. For the musician, see V. Dakshinamoorthy. Dakshinamurti Shiva sculpture on the southern entrance of the Madurai Meenakshi Temple Dakshinamurthy or Jnana Dakshinamurti(Tamil: தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி, Sanskrit: दक्षिणामूर्ति… … Wikipedia
Ardhanari — Hdeity infobox| Name = Ardhanari Caption = Ardhanarishvara (half male half female God) The sculpture s left is female and the right is male, depicting Shiva and his consort Shakti/Parvati. Elephanta caves, Mumbai, India. Devanagari = अर्धनारी… … Wikipedia